Palm Sunday 2019


4/14/19 Pastor Justin - Palm Sunday Based on Luke 18:31-34; 19:28-44; Proverbs 3:5; 1 Corinthians 2:14; Zechariah 4:6; 9:9-10; Revelation 19:11-16; Matthew 21:9; Philippians 2:5-11

  1. Read Luke 18:31-34 & Proverbs 3:5, Jesus references his own death multiple times to his disciples, yet those closest to him, didn't grasp or understand. Share a time in your life when you struggled to understand, but experienced blessing because you chose to lean not on your own understanding?

  2. Read 1 Corinthians 2:14; what natural ways of thinking (or destructive patterns) do you need to unlearn to re-learn how to see and hear with the mind of Christ, through the power of the Holy Spirit?

  3. Read Luke 19:28-44 with Zechariah 4:6 & 9:9-10. The sovereignty of God is displayed through humility, submission and obedience. Humility prepares the way for the power of God to be known and seen. How does Jesus' demonstration of humility encourage you today? And challenge you?

  4. Where in your life are you being convicted to submit your self to the Lord in need of a softened heart? Why do we need dependence on the Lord and His outcomes and not our own?

  5. Read Revelation 19:11-16, without the humble donkey on Palm Sunday, there would be no victorious war horse with the return of Christ. God's Word is TRUE and He always fulfills his promises. How are you walking in an expectant HOPE that Jesus is still at work in your life and the lives of others? Take a few minutes to remember what He's done in your life, to help you build a confident hope for the future and what He's yet to do.

  6. Read Philippians 2:5-11, how have you fallen into the mindset of what's revelatory becoming ordinary or so familiar that you've lost your passion to worship? How is your faith expressed in tangible evidence and where do you want to grow?