In watching the video before the message, what piece of the story stood out and grabbed your attention? Why did it resonate with you?
Read Matthew 18:21-35. What are some things you’re struggling to extend forgiveness for, even right now?
Read Ephesians 2:8-9, 1 Peter 4:10, and 2 Corinthians 9:8. Do you believe you’ve been given grace? On those days where that belief is strongest, meaning you're choosing to receive and give grace, how do your relationships look different?
1 Corinthians 15:9-10. Do you strive to “achieve” grace? How do you, or how can you, rest in the reality of grace being a free gift?
Where do you see pride in your life? (Example: you don't think you need grace, you're not worthy to receive it..)
John 13:34-35. Who is someone coming to mind who needs to receive your forgiveness? What are the obstacles stopping you from giving them grace through forgiveness?
Matt shares that forgiveness involves an injustice, doesn’t require fairness, is for our freedom, requires a season of protest, requires a time of grief, and is meant to push us to seek the grace of God. Are you in a season right now where one of these is most present? Which do you struggle with?
Thank the Lord for his heart of grace towards us. Will you pray together for a greater willingness to choose forgiveness, even when you don't want to?