Uncomplicated Worship
3/8/2020 Pastor Derek Dapena
Uncomplicated Worship Series “Respond to What You Got”
Read Isaiah 43:7. If you were to wake up each day, choosing to believe you were created and purposed to glorify God, how would it change your thinking, self talk, and the way you behave?
Knowledge is action in wisdom, meaning choosing to do what you know, instead of it solely being head knowledge. In what ways has a past mistake of not choosing to do what you know, led to growth?
Why do you think it’s easy to be expressive over things like sports, politics, children (grandchildren), hobbies and passions? Yet we struggle to put our worship of God before everything else in an intimate and expressive way?
Read Mark 12:30; 1 Cor 10:31; Colossians 3:17. How do these verses challenge you in the secret places of your heart? In what areas of your life do you need to make space for God’s presence?
The greatest of all worship services happens in the context of your everyday life. What daily rhythms do you have with the Lord and how does your time with him integrate into your marriage, family, parenting, workplace, relationships, and other interactions?
Read Genesis 25:29-34. Our response to the God of the universe - our Creator, Rescuer, Redeemer and Perfect Father, should be in relation to what we’ve received from him by grace. Take a few minutes to thank Him for who he is to you personally and for what he’s done in your life. How does recounting His faithfulness magnify His presence in your life?