For 13 weeks, we held online services due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We celebrate what God has done through this season of Virtual Church!

Vurch Graphic 6_7_2020.png


Week 1: 3/15/20


Week 3: 3/29/20


Week 5: Easter Sunday


Week 7: 4/26/20


Week 9: 5/10/20 - How to Escape When I Feel Unsafe


Week 10: 5/17/20 - Former Things or Future Things


A Jesus Movement in Athens: Reaching the Refugees


Week 14: 6/14/20 - You’re Getting an Inheritance

Week 2: 3/22/20


Week 4: 4/5/20


Week 6: 4/19/20


Week 8: 5/3/20 - The Journey into Weakness


Should the Church Open Now?


Week 11: 5/24/20 - A Future Like Sweet Wine


Week 12: 5/31/20 - A Holy Spirit Journey